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The Making of O'connor Fotografika

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

a journey made up of kilometres, coffee, wilderness and some love & passion.

The road to here and now is never as simple as following some set black and white directions, and yes it sounds cliche, but if you told Shaun and I that we would be launching our website this year after a global pandemic, an interstate move and some unexpected bumps in the life road, we would have told you that was crazy impossible.

'You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great'- Zig Ziglar

But here we are! As all best ideas happen between Shaun and I, O'Connor Fotografika was conjured up in the car on one of our many drives around the beautiful state of Tasmania. Our passion for capturing the beautiful landscapes we were seeing and the wildlife we were encountering was something we wanted to share with everyone, especially during the tough times of lockdown and isolation, so the idea of sharing our photos on instagram and eventually selling prints in a unique and personal experience became our drive.

Story behind the name

At first glance our business name looks like a tongue tie, but we assure you it is not a fancy word put there for flare and confusion! 'O'Connor' hopefully is not the confusing factor with it being a simple choice for us as it is Shaun's surname and my 'to be' surname once we sign those marriage papers! 'Fotografika' is the tongue tie but rolls of the tongue once you get the hang of it! Fotografika is simply photography but in polish, and we wished to have this to reflect on my polish heritage. Together we have Shaun's Irish family name and my polish heritage combined to showcase who we are in a unique way! We want everyone to feel comfortable, invited and welcomed by us when interacting with our business from buying a print to having a photoshoot done. Meeting beautiful people everyday is one of the most rewarding experienes you get and to be able to share our passion with those around us is the most exciting adventure we are embarking on.

So I am hoping through these blogs I can give you a behind the scene look at the work we are doing with a little fun a long the way! Feel free to comment on these blog posts and share your thoughts! We have had some eventful and hilarious adventures so far capturing the photos you see on the website and I hope to share these with you and transport you to the incredible places and moments they were taken.

As always lots of love and good vibes sent your way!

Adela xx

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